On February 12, Chinese New Year, all branches of Davao Rosver Pawnshop and New Pag-asa Pawnshop will still be open for business from 8:30 AM – 5:00 PM. With regards to renewals, you can now renew to any of our branches near your area.
As far as auction sale event is concern, due to the COVID-19 pandemic, Davao Ros-Ver Pawnshop and New Pag-Asa Pawnshop announced that all of the pawnshop’s scheduled auction sale events were temporarily suspended however there are branches that are displaying auctioned items.
Auctioned items that are being displayed in selected branches may vary from jewelry, cellphones, watches, tablets, PC, laptops, game consoles, appliances, musical instruments, power tools, and kitchenware.
Safety reminder, upon entering the pawnshop, please do observe the physical distancing and always wear for face shield and face mask.
Keep safe, mga suki.
Have a happy holiday.